Quite an interesting day as I met a woman I'd met yesterday and we went for a chat and I ended up giving her a book I'd just bought from The Works as it seemed it might answer some questions that were on her mind. I had another similar book to read that I'd just bought from there too so that was fine. I've quite a bit to do and a bit to read as I'm waiting round to get well enough to go home. Just need to be well enough to travel without making things worse. Did a tiny bit more sorting out today though.
I have Gary Slapper's An Introduction to English Law to get me back into reading about that again and a couple of language courses. Think Gary Slapper used to tutor at the OU. And the Teach Yourself book. It'll be interesting to find out about the differences in the brain waves. I started meditating in my late teens or early twenties .. can't remember quite which though I'm sure I could work it out. I suppose just the little bit I do keeps the neural pathways ticking over so to speak and means that I can relax myself easily. It's something that suits me.
Don't know what's been chosen for the rest of the book .. it'll be interesting. I suppose healthy eating .. being fair in your relationships etc .. both to yourself and other people. Like when I came up to care for mum which was very hard work for many reasons. I can look back and there's a sort of sea of pleasantness or something that I chose to do that. I was in a position where I had the choice though I have to say it wasn't what I intended to do to start off with .. I thought that I'd just visit but stayed. When I think about that there's just a nice sea of relaxation .. though it was very hard work. I wish ofcourse that I'd sailed through with no bother at all .. but I did get grumpy on a couple of occasions .. one when I had to stop her leaving the flat when she was very ill .. though now I look back on the escape plans with a sense of humour .. she would wait til I was in the loo and dash out. When she was well there wasn't a problem .. but mum plus a cold was a problem. I mean it was only a few times but .. oh dear.
She suffered from Lewy body's dementia and parkinson's disease as well as a progressive skin cancer. Guess if I hadn't developed this illness I probably would develop skin cancer in time because I've spent time in the tropics too .. well, with the auto immune illness I have there's a likelyhood that I will anyway .. if I live long enough. I probably would've anyway in time though anyway. But, because my auto immune illness affects the skin in the way it does .. there's a great likelihood of it happening now.
That's life .. huh!!! But, it doesn't seem so bad to me now .. as I said I believe in life after death. Didn't a few years ago but I do now. Strange thing is that I'd stored up everything that people had told me over the years though hadn't known quite what to make of it .. but it was all there, including the two books I'd read that really mattered. The others that were just vaguely connected are more or less forgotten.
Life is strange though .. scientifically .. where did that first pocket of matter come from. Religiously .. if god created everything .. who created god? I guess most people I know are more religious than me .. though people tend to say god or spirit around me now and I get an assortment of cards at christmas etc .. if we swop cards these days. Must say, it's far easier to believe in life after death than it is to comprehend how all this .. atoms etc came into being. A much simpler idea.
My possible out of the body experience .. it wasn't a very involved one if that was what it was .. but perhaps the woman who said it was is right and I was just at the very beginning and moved and that's why it was as it was and over so quickly. I can remember wishing it had gone on for longer.
I was amazingly relaxed .. though certainly wasn't dozing. I can still get very relaxed even with the pain and the muscle tension. Guess it's something to do with changing brain waves .. which is why I'm interested in knowing more about all that in relation to sleep and meditation. When they say "happiness" it doesn't mean that you're going to wander through life in some kind of state of complete happiness. My life has been quite hard .. but I don't know I guess my interests have helped me through .. and, possibly, the meditation. And, being happy for and with my friends and things like that.
I'll probably start making my little booklets too. Well, I've started one for my brother complete with illustrations .. but, I'd left it a while because I wasn't feeling too good at all .. I'll start again soon though. I've the little books to do them in and pencils and I know what I'm going to write and draw.
Think my two weeks with luminosity did help. I seem to be faster at mahjongg now!! I believe it takes longer than two weeks to build a neural pathway though .. more like four if I remember rightly. Thought it's longer than two anyway.
Well, off to get the paracetamol and a bit of oramorph and then to rest. Tomorrow's another day etc. Well, as it's just gone midnight that's a bit obsolete .. but when I wake there'll be more exercising .. and things'll've changed a bit.