Sunday, January 31, 2010


There's been a bit of a shuffle around with my pills and I'm feeling it a bit. Still am soon back to the hospital .. and I have got a number to use if I need to bleep one of the people there cause I'm not feeling too good.

Got a bit of a cold too .. not a heavy one at all .. but I've sneezed and it stretched out some of my muscles rather painfully .. luckily they didn't go into spasm like they used to so. while I'm not feeling that good, it's not like it used to be. Still feel a bit tender though.

Will just have to rest.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

zzz 'n' zzz

Have slept on and off during the day. Decided to just rest and doze.

Friday, January 29, 2010


Back to the hospital again. Guys this time. Came back and slept for a few hours. Did meditate again this morning. First when I woke up and, then again, for about quarter of an hour a little later on while listening to some music.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Of course the question this morning was Why? I dunno .. all I know is that this kind of thing does pop up and that it's on both sides. I posted before after reading some thing by the antis where they firstly denied something was happening and later, to suit their own argument, changed it "just like that" because they needed to so it would fit in with their own theories.

So ... overall .... Why do they do it?

I dunno


I was reading about what other people are doing round the world connected to the song I posted the other day and I couldn't help agreeing with the young woman who said that one of the reasons it was working so well was that it was run by young people for young people.

It's on the videos here

Not that this is just a young peoples problem. I've read a number of times that quite a few older people whose relationships have floundered seem to think that this kind of thing won't affect them!!!!!!!!!! That it's something that is near enough only prevalent in younger circles .. so, guess what .. the illnesses have found more people to infect .. as the statistics say. It's not JUST a young peoples problem.. And they're spreading in older people because some feel that these illnesses. STDs in general, are unlikely to be in their main dating pool and, also, for some of them, last time there weren't all the problems there are now.

I think that song is wonderful .. the chorus is the type of chorus that can stick in the mind so it can do more than just help bring in funds for charity but can also, doe some people, stay in the mind as a sort of reminder that risky behaviour can have serious consequences for everyone including them if they need to be reminded.

And, coming from that guy .. it's just such a cool thing. I think one of the best bits of AIDS/STD reminders I've seen.

I do think that having young people working together is a brilliant idea too.


There are so many sites that allow people to upload their music for others to download free. I think my favourite is really though I like the way Jamendo runs. If I wasn't ill it would be so much fun to take part and I would've joined in I guess. If I'd've been young I guess I would've loved to. The is amazing in one way cause it's going to be a long term collection of peoples work .. which is why The Grateful Dead have put some of their work up I guess. It'll be there in the archives for people to find which might give them more play than if they hadn't bothered both now and in the future. I'd gone over to Youtube and looked up some of the bands from my youth and wondered just how many plays they would have got if you took out their original fans and anyone from that age group and say ten/fifteen years younger. A lot less and, for quite a few of them, many, many less.

I'm still going to look round the net but will be listening to a lot of the CC music I've already found to decide what I'll put on cds for people most of the time. Listen to that music nearly all the time now as I'm working my way through so much of it. I need to get back to playing the dreamy music I've found for myself too I guess and make a meditation cd up. I do play some of it when I meditate but that's fallen behind a bit again so will sort that out too.

The net's full of interesting things to find out and learn to do though. It's just amazing.

There are heaps of CC music sites out there and more where bands join and give away a pre tour ep or something if they're trying to promote themselves. It's usually pre-tour or pre 1st album.

Guess I'll click into other things too. Just to learn from and enjoy. I know, for a lot of people my age, it's crafts and, of course, they can broaden hobbies they already had just through the huge amount of info up on the web. Well, that applies to everybody.

Anyway .. we'll see.


I'm slowly learning to do more things on the computer along with being told how to become members of some sites and how to join in.

It was all a bit of a mystery to me.

Which reminds me .. I've lost your email addy from yesterday!! Hopefully will spot it soon. Might have got caught up in a couple of papers I put in the bag so will have a look. Will be in touch anyway.

It's a slow process because I get so tired. Things I know ... ok ... but new skills get slowed down in this sea of exhaustion. I don't sleep much and I really don't want to add sleeping pills to my meds mixture. Maybe will try meditation and/or binaural beats in the evening. Some of my meds can make sleeping difficult .. and, I guess, with the pain, it's not going to be easy.

But will give it a go.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

More tales from the Himalayas

I see the Himalayan glacial meltdown is still being used as a topic about the rights and wrongs of climate change.

The story is more complicated than I mentioned in my last blogging though overall the prediction is still wrong. When I first started blogging .. many years and a few blogs ago I mentioned that one of the strange variables in assessing global warming were the world's glaciers .. because some were growing and some retreating .. this could be due to changes in the eco systems brought on by the changes in temperature .. bringing warmer air to some places, colder to others. Also some areas are more industrialised than others which could account for some melting faster .. because of localised particles in the air.

I think I focused on American glaciers then but it is happening in the Himalayas as well. Some are growing .. some are retreating. Scientists are still trying to work out the sequences of events which are causing some to grow. It is suspected that the fast retreat of some is due to industry and is worse in some areas than others.

When the guy first came up with this theory that glaciers in the Himalayas would be gone in 30 years the journalist he spoke to has said that it was made clear that he was speaking about a region of Himalayan glaciers .. not the complete network .. but, still, the report this was said to be mentioned in said nothing about them being gone in the predicted 30 years.

So, while were reported in any study to be gone in the predicted 30 years some are still thawing faster than others .. particularly those who the changes in the ecosystems, brought on by global warming, have encouraged to grow!! Think I illustrated this by mentioning what would happen if the Gulf Stream changed because it would be bringing cold rather than warm air with it. A localised effect could be happening in the Himalayas .. or, just like the symbol of chaos theory .. the fluttering of a butterfly's wing .. one change could start a system of small changes and voila!!

But .. the fact that the Himalayan glaciers will be there in 30 years doesn't mean that they are not going to cause problems in the near future. The glacial lakes are expanding.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

more zzzzzzz

Have a bit of a cold so after yesterday's busy date thought I'd get some rest .. and have,

Monday, January 25, 2010

day at the hospital

Spent most of the day at St Thomases. I had an early first appointment but had to wait til the afternoon for the second.

Have been dozing quite a bit since I got back.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Didn't sleep much last night so have rested quite a lot today.


Saturday, January 23, 2010

back to Jamendo

And back to Jamendo

I haven't meditated today .. unsurprisingly I guess

Chose a cover that I liked and went to see if there was anything else about who'd put it up and found he'd said that the music should help lull the wandering mind into a state of bliss. It's started very quietly but he does mention the word metal in the description.

I'll sit and wait and see.

It gets louder on the third and final track. Not really what I was looking for but it's quite nice. Nearly all improvisation than something structured he can play over and over again.


and added the word diagnosed to the post though I think the cases probably have risen because a lot of people were very careful about STDs for quite a while .. then things started to return back to how they had been.

Guess I better go and eat my dinner.


Just rather whoozy with a cold today .. had a sore throat the last two days. Thought I had some peanut butter stuck to the back of my throat last night but it's just that it's swollen. Do feel better than I did this morning though. Didn't think it was going to be a hospital run but it had me wondering for a while .. but temperature's gone back down in the last hour and I haven't been sick so I guess I'm OK!!!

Might try something to eat now. Well, I've cooked something .. just got to eat it now.

Eewww. Don't really feel like it


Added a link at the end of the last post

Might as well cover everything.

This one ain't free

Having a condition like this certainly helps you empathise with people who have serious illnesses. This came up after looking through other bandcamp artists.

When you click on the download tab a box comes up asking for a donation ... minimum $1 ... about 60p in pounds sterling.

I've been aware of HIV more or less since the start. I tell people when it comes up in conversation that it's a good idea to take care of your sexual health and there's nothing wrong with asking people to get their sexual health checked out before sleeping with them if that's how you feel. Use a condom anyway.

It's not just HIV .. there's another bug called chlamydia, which can be cured, though can make women infertile by scaring the fallopian tubes and cause long term pelvic pain, and, of course, herpes, for which there's no cure yet.

Apparently there's been a large increase in diagnosed chlamydia in the UK

There's a lot of info on this site.

I read something that suggested that the number of people who know how HIV is caused has dropped a lot in this country by almost 25% in the years from 2000 to 2007 according to the HPA and I'd've thought that was the most well known of the illnesses.

Heaven knows what people think about the rest as that must be the most well known of them all and you'd hope that. these days the internet would supply enough information for people to know exactly what was going on.

I should imagine, that even so, that chlamydia awareness has rocketted from when I was young. I thought there were talks of there being some kind of awareness campaign nationally.

Well, this is what I found.

Not the only illnesses either.


Haven't been out today .. got a cold so it's best to stay in I guess .. but, considering this wouldve got me into hospital eighteen months ago I'm not complaining, But, still best to stay in.

Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Had a great day though partially thanks to a couple of the guys I met through one of the music sites who gave me quite a lot of their afternoon. I now have a lovely song written for me.

Am listening to the American talent show at the moment .. the one where an age limit was mentioned the other week when that guy who sounded good and was told he had a hit on his hands was told no thanks. Have been sitting here wondering if they have one covering everyone else. Know America's a big place but they're missing out most of the population. Have missed a bit of the next city's part of the show.

I pop over to see it when something gets to me .. was the first guy to get through and then the guy with the guitar .. when you're lying next to me lyrics .. and the fellow after him. Be nice to hear them again.

The woman singing now is cool .. singing the Norah Jones song .. oh, through with 4 yeses .. one with a small y from Simon Cowell. I agree but she has a nice voice a-comin' and she's only 18. Didn't go over this time so I won't recognise her again cept by voice .. will be interesting to see if I do.

And I Liked the beatling be bop guy .... had me in fits .. didn't really hear much of the next guy .. cause he did the splits as I came back into the room .. and .. had everyone in fits of laughter.

I like the Hit the road Jack woman's voice and phrasing too .. the next one is kinda catching her voice too much at the end of a line for me .. turning the last note back too much. Like you put too much into it and suddenly have to try and stop it.

Have to go and see to dinner

Oh, it's finished ... well, apart for next week's excerpts.

cont ....

There's quite a long story about finding that band. Meant to listen to them a little while back because someone said they liked them .. but didn't get round to it,

So, I liked the first track on the radio show and went off in search of the band. Found them and went off in search of their music to see what it was like and ended up on a site where they're offering 7 inch singles for a subscription of £35 a year ... one a month .. or a new offer .. £4 per record.

But .. no mention of the band I was looking for. So .. guess it was sometime in the past as it looked as if they'd changed what they offer,

But, this other band was there and made a few brain cells travel back a while .. so, I listened .. and went off to see what else there was to hear. Thought she'd said that there was a free download but thought that was probably in the past as I'd left it so long and some of these promos don't last for long.
Anyway, back to one of my lost bands and sites. I found the band on myspace and then on to bandcamp.

And there is a free ep which I've now downloaded

If you click on their contact address it takes you to their bandcamp page where you can download the ep

I had to click on the if you're download hasn't started click here instruction

It comes with all kinds of instructions about how to unzip etc. Instructions for those who haven't downloaded from them before. Or, even those who haven't downloaded before!!

Apparently ..


Well, have emailed them. I think I know how it works cause I've been to another radio station who uses the same kind of system with storage and recording is disabled. And I've seen a few stations who use this kind of system.


I've taken the radio show off the blog .. I've come across other shows like it but I'm not going tp keep a link up to it as I don't like the method they're using to broadcast it to be honest. Have seen the same for other stations though in my travels around the web.

Well email them.

Lost .... and .........

Potters back to make sure my terminology is more accurate. lol!!!

I seem to have mislaid a link to a Russian trance site where they have some excellent CC ambient albums .. will find it again though it might take some searching out. T'was the one I told Jenna about and said I'd post here.

It should be relatively easy to find again though.

I hope.

So should be ... found again ....


Friday, January 22, 2010


Off to docs again this morning .. was late but there'd been delays there so it didn't matter. Had to wait quite a long time myself.

Was raining on the way back so just came straight back rather than heading over to Tesco as I'd meant to.

Then rested most of the day.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Been listening here. It's an indie site where most of the musicians have given a free mp3 track or two.

herbal tea

Decided to start looking for that artiicle on pain relief that I'd read some months back again. Haven't found it yet or anything about it but did find this .. which is going back sometime too .. to the herbal teas.

This time about green tea


Oh, yeah .. it was about the himalayan glaciers

and the process of ice melting and setting a circle going where more ice melts is known as the ice albedo feedback.

There you go!!

Someone asked for a bit more info .. well, they don't have much time .. and I had left it out.

really relaxing

Liked this ..

and I was saying the same as a couple of people there about music I was listening to from here


Looks like I hadn't been to the music site before .. probably wondered because of the planet logo .. there're a lot of those around these days .. along with plenty of jokes, given the cold weather we've just had, about global warming.

There was an article about climate change in the paper too .. saying that someone who studies glaciers had got it wrong about the rate a glacier was melting and that it was going to take a lot longer. The remark had been questioned by scientists and politicians and it was known to have resulted from a few remarks from one guy.

There have been studies around ice done by groups of scientists into the rate of melting ice where they've been surprised by the results and, unfortunately these, around the North and South Poles, have shown that the ice is melting faster than predicted.

There are three changes that could result from this that I can think of .. one is that it could change currents in the oceans. like the Gulf Stream, which through changing water density, allows warm water to flow into the Atlantic. Also, it would make sea levels rise and. thirdly, that as ice reflects quite a lot of the sunlight that reaches it and water absorbs it more heat would be absorbed causing more ice to melt.

Whoa!!! As I was saying looks like I hadn't been to the music site before .. though the logo was kinda familiar as I'd seen many similar pictures over my years travelling round the net. Checked it up the best I could and I've left no visible footprints around it seems .. so guess I hadn't. Have downloaded an album now though to listen to.

Was reading about on the site too .. it's one of the charities they suggest donating to if you would like to give anything for the music .. the musicians on the site don't accept money for anything they've uploaded to that particular site. They also ask if you'll ask them if you wish to add to change their music. There's a contact notepad on the site and they can say yes. I might ask if I can add some binaural beats one day. Archive org is a site/charity organisation that is preserving digital media which allow free downloads.


My friend is going through the vegetarian epiphany stage!!! Very happy.

His blood pressure has gone down a bit since he started his new diet and he's pleased about that too.

I loved being a vegan. Thought the food tasted much better and wasn't so heavy on my stomach. Don't eat much dairy now but I've been told that the hospital doesn't want me to put my body through another change at the moment. so I won't go right back just yet.

Hope to though.

Seems it's benefits are never ending

Did the docs and Clapham without any real problems. It wasn't easy but it is a lot better. Didn't expect it to be again. I'd thought it'd be the docs then back here but after my appointment I thought I'd be able to do it .. and I was right this time.

Nice day out there too.

When I was at the hospital yesterday I read a couple of papers and in one of them it mentuined that people had come up with the idea to teach meditation in schools to help people with a bit of a shopping compulsion.

Ah, found one link to it through google

Wonder if they still do this too

Wasn't sure if that link would work after I typed it in .. but it's fine

Still got to do mine today cause of the early start

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Chewing the beans

Just back from the hospital .. things are being slowly worked out as well as they can be.

Spoke to a friend I've known for over 40 years to find out that he's become a vegetarian. Gosh .. never thought he would!!!! He's been one for about six weeks now but hadn't told me incase he didn't keep it going. Said he didn't think he'd manage it as a vegan. Said it was easy once you got used to it .. but that it's probably better to do it slowly so tour body adjusts to the change.

I was a vegan for about 25 years, up to three years ago, and a vegetarian for a lot of years before that. Had to go back to a vegetarian diet because I couldn't chew the beans in hosputal and had to opt for something softer so went back to a vegetarian diet. I was very surprized when I'd changed back that I felt that I hadn't been missing anything. He's obviously thinking about it to've said what he did. Most of his close friends are either vegans or vegetarians and I really didn't think it would happen after all this time.

Though I have to admit that he does like to think things through!!!!

Never really thought about it .. not something that crosses my mind as far as friendship goes .. don't think that it would've worked out if I had been going out with someone though cause I was such a strict vegan .. and veggie before that. Different if you're casual about it as some veggies are .. but I was very strict and I don't think it'd've worked on either side.! Probably got fed up with all the label reading and tins and bags of lentils everywhere.

Lentils here and lentils there. Lentils, lentils everywhere.

Though as someone said I'd be very cheap to feed .. lol!!!

Anyway, talking about beans etc, the hospital are going to try something else to help with the chewing other than the Difflam spray and we'll see what happens then.

Will probably be having the other treatment too .. without the large doses of corticosteroids. Didn't hear quite what they were saying but think they're trying it with someone else and it appears to be working

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I usually go off round Jamendo clicking links that people have up on their pages .. bit like I do on myspace .. bit sleepy today so have just stopped at any slow, relaxed type music I've come across and let that play.

I did go off site for awhile and found this .. not sure if I've put it up before or not as, if I'd found it before, I hadn't looked through the site

Have now.

Also discovered, through the, that a Russian dj appears to have made a mix of some of the music too

Some nice music to meditate to.

Haven't been to look at what else the guy might have mixed.

Monday, January 18, 2010


Doctor again this morning .. and then a walk to Clapham .. and back. Didn't think it was going to be that good when I set out because of the way the muscles had been moving. It was rather early too. As it turned out it wasn't too bad .. and, for once, easier coming back than it was going!!! Just picked up one small tin of carrots rather than going for the veggie bolognese or veggie ravioli or four!!!!

Think it had to be a bit more than that though .. more to do with my muscles. Though not carrying so much did help. Guess there'll still be some variation muscle wise .. (and probably bolognese wise too) .. but things are better at the moment.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


It would be nice if people posted their lyrics so that they could be translated. Some of the music I've listened to has been so beautiful but it would be even better if I could understand the lyrics. Surely, if someone has taken the trouble to write, play and record the songs they've posted to places like Jamendo they wouldn't mind posting up the lyrics in which ever language they're written in too. Google translate can do the rest.

Some people have, but on their own websites,, It's nice knowing more about the song than just what the song's title might suggest to you .. or the translator .. lol!!!!! Could quite possibly take a few lines for the translator to give the picture!!!!


The new music is put at the beginning of the artist;s list

I'd played some of the first ones from when the covers had appeared in the line on the pages I'd had up before.

Decided to find some relaxing music and drift away.

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Why isn't there a link from Jamendo for this band and why just one album and why isn't it about 5 billion times longer.

OK, they're good at psychadelic rock and we know that now. I wonder if they could practice their Tibetan chanting with added temple bells for a while and let us hear how they're getting on.

One book review ...........

Spent a lot of the day reading book reviews. A link led me to one. Then found that he'd written almost 100 and because I found quite a lot of the books interesting I thought I'd have a read my way through some of the reviews ... a hours and a lot of links later .... I was still here

Again, as with music, a book can sometimes be very subjective .. he seems to find that the vast majority of books he'd read and reviewed didn't live up to his expectations. I've read a few of the books .. and by a few I mean a few so can't really comment on how accurate I might feel he is over all.

But ... lol .. he did mention a couple of books that the author or the author's family had published editions that are free to read on the net. He'd read one and been full of praise for it!!!!!!!!!! and the other, he was intending to read.

Link to book on the side of page

Fifth edition privately printed for non profit educational use

I might've put this link up before

It's the book by Donald DeGracia

Friday, January 15, 2010

Lights out

Spent the evening dozing a bit and reading up on meditation. I've decided that it might be a good idea to add some breathing exercises to my meditation .. probably alternate nostril breathing and probably at the start of it, It'll add some structure to it and it's said to be good for you.

Meditation is meant to help if you can't sleep much as it rests the mind and body and I'm going to try to teach myself to go into a relaxed state more often to try and make up for any lack of sleep .. it's probably better to rest with the lights out .. even if I can't sleep, than sitting here with them on .. helps with the production of melatonin too.

So, it's better to rest with the lights off even if I can't sleep. Can still play a bit of relaxing music I guess.

I do use a mask during the day sometimes to block the light out but maybe this'll be better. Well. at least sometimes. I know I'm not going to sleep .. but it might be better just to rest.

La la la

I clicked on a random link on a Myspace link .. not really expecting anything more than to stay a few minutes and then go on to a link from their page. I clicked to play a song to find that it's a catchy pop song .. very good of it's kind .. or, at least, I think so.

So, I stopped to have a look round and found that they were giving an EP (download) away free. Clicked the first link and found that it was to a page where you could buy the EP and a t shirt as a special edition .. only 168 or something made and they'd sold out.

So back to the Myspace page

to try again.

Better luck this time


I guess I must react to some music differently now .. but, I guess there has to be a difference if you're dancing to it and if you're not. I think I'm too tired to really connect to faster beats like I used to as well.

What I don't know is if I'd've felt the same if I wasn't ill.

I wasn't really watching the American version of the X Factor yesterday ... was in and out of the kitchen .. but wasn't there some kind of rapping guy in his 60s or 70s who the panel thought could have a hit!!!!!!! He certainly kept to the beat.

Different subject but what was that with Simon Cowell and that guy who sang I Heard it through the Grape Vine? Glad the others liked his version.

Motorhead to Mantra

See one of Jamendos musicians is going on tour with Akon. There's such a variety of music there. Guess I've found plenty to use while I'm meditating. The hi energy trance music is obviously not my scene cause it's for dancing to though I love the lower energy music. I'm told that both have been very popular this year.

People say some of the thrash metal is very good on Jamendo. Guess the trouble is that there's not much variety in it really and it's a bit of originality that can shift records and most of the really good metal groups sing good slower metal songs too. It's more popular in Scandinavian countries too I think judging by the number of bands from that part of the world. If they get the beat right it can be amazing to dance to .. not just head shaking air guitar moshing music.

I have a friend who's a big Motorhead fan who reckons a lot of the newer bands are a spin off from Motorhead's music. I dunno but I do think some of them need to add a bit of variety to their music.

But, who am I to know ... lol!!! Goes off to listen to some Buddhist chants.

Half an hour

Half an hours meditation today .. half without music and half with. My mind wandered a little to start off with but it stayed pretty still as time went on. Rested too .. dozed a bit as I usually do later on.

It's easy to let go of meditation because it feels like doing nothing I guess and sometimes it's so easy to get caught up in thoughts rather than calmness but I do some most days now.

It should take about four weeks to really get back into it cause that's about how long it takes for neural pathways to grow.

The feeling of relaxation when you can just slip into it has to be the best. Will have to wait a few more weeks before I can really do that again I guess.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Doctor again this morning .. then walked up to Clapham and back. Really noticed the change in the snow. Walk wasn't too bad .. easier going than coming back. Certainly much better than it's been for a long time. Snow or not.

Does make me a bit sleepy though.

I suppose I should ask other people to carry the tins of things back from there .. but I bought one of the two tins of vegetable bolognese left in Sainsbury's and a can of broad beans in water.

Snow hadn't totally gone .. but a lot had thawed and you could feel the difference in the temperature. The highs forecast for the next few days for London are mild for the time of year too .. 6 .. 5 .. 7 .. 6C.

Links page

There's a link page to lots of other related sites too

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

No snow????

Looks like the weather'll be warming up. Sounds good after all this snow. I could hardly believe the blanket of white covering the ground when I saw it this morning!!! Knew there were snow showers forecast but hadn't expected anything like that.

Still looks like the temperature's gonna be rising.

I did go over to Tesco but the thaw had started by the late afternoon when I set out, although there were still a few snow flakes in the air, and the pavements and roads weren't too bad.

After all this snow it almost seems strange to think of it going but it'll be easier when it's gone.

Just off to do dinner now .. late phone call again,

sita sings the blues

I can't remember if I put this up before. I found it then had trouble trying to download it and then forgot about it til someone reminded me.

You can watch it directly or download it from Nina's own site


Time just flies .. there are so many things that I'd like to learn about but I start doing something else and as I said time just flies. I guess I'll have to put some time aside each day and use that time just for learning. I've a bit of a butterfly mind .. I like finding out about things and flit from one bit of info that interests me to another .. so, I guess I'll just have to put some time aside to learn what I want to from what I've been reading about.

At least I meditate most days now.

I saw something to read from someone who has another serious illness .. about meditation and things like that .. and that will be my must do reading for today. Well, gotta find it again but that shouldn't take long .. should have put it on my favourites though.

Audacity turned up as a new programme .. a bit late .. a couple of days ago and jogged my memory again .. think I'll start reading through this

Just got to put the time aside I guess.


I'm here now

Looks as if it'll be nice to explore .. though I guess a lot of the music'll be hi tempo.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Seemed a good idea to stay in and rest today .. so I did!! There had been a fair bit of muscle movement after yesterday's walk so it's probably best to let things settle. Don't really know but best to try and see what's going on and not overdo things.


I suppose my ideal piece of music would be quite slow and flowing with the sound of mountain streams and possibly those little finger type cymbals. Well, in my mind anyway.

It's the sort of music that makes me give a relaxed sigh just thinking about it.

There is a selection page where you can search different categories of music ..

but I've come to realise that meditational music can be in a lot of titles.


I think most people who use Jamendo just tend to download single songs rather than complete collections. Well, the people I've mentioned it to who are interested do anyway and I guess they must be pretty representative of the folk who go there. Most are really interested in music .. some create their own, most don't.

Was interested to see just how many people had downloaded Atomic cat's complete collections of music. lol!!! Thought it was a shame it was issued under a licence where you can't alter it though. I hadn't noticed .. I mean I'm not going to be using this music so hadn't looked .. but someone phoned and mentioned it. I had thought that if I had I'd want to fade it in and out here and there because, personally, I wouldn't want it quite so samey all the way through .. and I might have breaks where there was something else going on too a couple of times during the track. I thought the basics of the track were great though ... even from a sitting down perspective!!!

I thought the title .. Trance time meant that it would be a bit different from what it actually was.

And am back looking for music to meditate to!


Trance Time

In the beginning he created a groove

And with this groove he made us move

And it set our souls free

And it made you reach out and raise your hands in the air

And sing a song of love

A song of peace

Can you feel it

Can you feel it

Three o'clock in the morning

Three o'clock in the morning

Oh, you know, you know, you know

If you're into this type of music it'd certainly get a party started!!!! lol

Found it on my search for my definitive meditation track!!!!


You know, you know, you know!!!!!

Monday, January 11, 2010


Have to say that I don't know much about Phish .. knew the name but somehow never got to find out about the band's music. I meant to cause they sounded as if they'd be good to hear and even better to see.

It's this site that's brought them back into my mind


Off to the docs this morning earlier than usual .. though not too early. Them off to Clapham. Of course, on the way I wondered why on earth I was doing this!!!! I'd had better news from the docs than I'd expected but maybe pottering off to Clapham wasn't the way to celebrate!! Turned out though that the walk there and back was the best I'd done in a long, long time. Wasn't easy .. but it was better.

The pavements were easier as well though there's still quite a bit of snow around .. but it's nothing like it was.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Well, I found an excellent band .. found them by following people clicking around .. but had to leave 'em and mozie on. Where did they find that name???? Are they signed? No!!! Are they going to be signed? Probably not!!! Are they good? Very.

Do they want to be signed? Who knows. If I give this music to anyone I'll probably have to tell them the band's called ... Senior Moment ..... Um I've forgotten or something!!!

Liked this

Maybe not usually quite my type of music generally

But I liked it!!!


Off to dinner now. I sorted out some of my scalp today. Warwick hospital used to do it. I often wash my hair without doing everything I should do which is silly because it means it's harder to sort out later on. I should sort it out a couple of times a week I guess.

Suppose that should be a New Year's resolution.

Someone I know on line makes a NYR to learn something new every year .. and generally keeps to it which means she now knows how to do all these things she likes ... lol!!! Great idea. Wish I'd thought of it years and years) ago


Anyway .. got lots of things to get on with now. The audacity stuff is just for fun really but I would like to be able to use it and the binaural beats generator and Python ... just learn a bit at a time I guess.

I do know a few musicians from Jamendo and a few of the other CC sites now who use Audacity and I guess I could ask them for help. They've been really nice and I'm sure they would help.

It's nice to do things like this. I stopped when the infections and fevers started hitting but that is a bit better now so I suppose it'll be ok.

This is some very nice music ... short pieces ... very short in some cases which I found difficult to understand ... are they just excerpts from longer pieces? I'd like to use them but she's used a creative commons licence that doesn't allow you to change her music and I guess that means adding things to it or using it as a background to speech.

Never mind .. she composed it so it's her call on what's done with it. There are 6 different licences.

Even though it is very short ... one and a half minutes a track or thereabouts in some cases it's very evocative and full of pathos in some tracks. The sadness in the music matches the title.

Better start then .....

I suppose I've got to learn how to use audacity or something similar anyway. Don't really feel well enough .. was wondering if I was starting to run a fever but 2 plus 2 still seems to equal 5 ... whoops ... 4 .. so I guess I'm ok!!!!

Think I'll start reading the instructions today. Tremble!!! lol!!! But it would be nice to know how to use it .. and the binaural beats generator and Python. I guess none are too tricky once you get started. I'll keep notebooks to jot things down as I go I think. Well, if I need to.

There're just so many cool things on the net to learn .. and all credit to those who've invented them and put them up there for us.

It would've been nice to have had all this there when I was young. It's amazing how things change. I was looking at a Dutch phrase book from the beginning of the last century .. no audio to go with this but people learnt from phoenetics and it seemed quite easy to do.

Metal and opera

I suppose it might be difficult to be into some forms metal if you're not very active cause it is quite beat orientated, I was listening to another album .. this time sort of stadium rock meets thrash metal!!! Album was called Society's ills or something like that. I felt on the edge really cause the lyrics were sung in a language I didn't understand and even though the singer used his voice to convey a lot of emotion I still had no idea what it was all about. And I could just sit and listen

There've been quite a few metal bands who have a female vocalist who has an operatic tone to her voice. Bit like this

which is up there among the most popular music week after week.

I suppose there is a similarity between some forms of metal .. not really talking about the more mainstream types .. and opera .. in the way things are acted out using the voice and its emotion so I suppose it's not that surprising that it's actually veered nearer actual opera at times. I don't like it when it does this most of the time though, occasionally I do, when somehow the voice and music complement each other well.


Finished sending all the links over now. Well enough for people to be able to find their way around with anyway.

Did my usual meditation this morning .. think I've still got a bit of a cold as my mind wondered rather a lot.

Am listening to this at the moment

Just the first track .. not sure what it'd be like to meditate to. I'm quite tired and, at the moment, if I concentrate on the music. I want to kind of sink into it and relax.

There's a little bit that comes in here and there which I'd've changed to a different note or even the sound of flowing water softly coming in and then ebbing away . And, then, a bit later on, it's done in a way that my mind falls in with easily.


I was listening to some jazz last night and I think it's often the tempo I have problems adjusting to. I've never been much of a fan though I did really try with Cleo Laine cause I liked the sound of her voice.

Also listened to some heavy metal that I liked to start off with and then started to feel bored.

But other people liked it ... so .... lol!!!!!

Music is very personal. I have to say that with some of the music I've heard on Jamendo, that is technically good but loses me along the way, I often feel it hasn't really been looked at as a complete piece of music more as a progression from start to finish .. oh, let's just add this bit here and that bit there without really relating it back to say five minutes before and it can start to feel a bit jumpy. And, with others, where people would be dancing to it, it'll lose the beat or not have a hook in beat to pull it all back together again rhythmically. Shame cause some of it has so much promise. Well, that's how I feel anyway.

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Meditation again

One of my friends is thinking of doing some music to put up on Jamendo. He plays guitar and can compose electronic music using loops etc. Can't play the sitar though ... sob... lol!!! He's thinking of trying to compose some nice meditation music with guitar and sounds of the sea and lulled voices .. may even do a guided meditation.

Any musician can upload their own work to Jamendo for us to download for free. They don't charge the musicians for the service nor do they charge if you're just downloading mp3s for personal use. Though, of course you can buy a physical cd if you want to and/or donate to the musicians. You do have to pay if you want to use the music commercially which is only fair. You then have to buy a licence. It's if you want to use the music in a commercial video or an advert or in a shop or something like that. Of course you can only upload if you're not under a contract with a recording company that says you can't and only if all people who have rights to the music agree.

This tells you all about jamendo and the rights of the musicians

and how to upload your music if you want to.

Talking about him reminds me the BBC have some guided meditations to listen to. They're just streaming but if you have a tape recorder you can record your own guided meditations taking you where you want to go and play it at the same time as some relaxing music if you want music playing while you're meditating. Maybe you could record a meditation about hearing the tranquil waves lapping up on the beach with every wave making you feel more relaxed and how sinking slightly into the warm sand is helping ease any tight muscles etc, etc .

and they link to this Buddhist site from the BBC site where there are free meditations to download if you're interested Right click on link to download. Left click to play on line.


The BBC on meditation from a Hindu perspective

If I remember rightly Sri Chinmoy has some meditation music up on the web that he lets you download for free .. most of it won't play on WMP though because of the format it's in .. mp4??

There's a tv programme from the happiness show about meditation too .. saw it in the Creative Commons site .. the internet archives .. the channel lets you download all the programmes they made for free.

See if I can find it

and at their own site

it's number 135


Urrrrrr!!!! I;ve spent quite a lot of the day trying to send some of the links in the blogs to people. There've been problems though cause of the software the other end. Got most of them there now ... just a few at a time.

Felt like a tiring day again.

Just doing dinner .. will finish sending the rest later.

Near enough a whole day!!!!

Still out there

It appears that the only help that the homeless have got is from the Christian group that has the bus that does the free meals .. they've been giving out blankets. I don't know these people well but I know someone who knows them to talk quite well to so it's quite personal in some ways. Can't believe this has happened.

Not religious but big up to these people who are trying to help.

Friday, January 08, 2010


Off to the docs again this afternoon. Went to Tesco afterwards. Wasn't too bad walking back through wish the appointment had been a bit earlier. Wasn't too bad when I went into Tesco but I took my time in there and dusk had set in by the time I left. The pavements were different from yesterday .. some had cleared more but some places where there'd been crispy snow yesterday were smoother today though not too slippery but I still was careful.

She's getting in touch with the hospital about a couple of things for me

Just found out that three hours on the phone tires me out these days .. wouldn't've happened once!!!!!! Waiting for dinner to cool. Should've arranged it the other way round I guess though didn't think that I'd be sorting dinner out this late. Waiting for my Difflam spray to work too.

Did my meditation this morning without music. Just started med .. i .. tate going through my mind .. thought I'd just do five minutes but a little stray thought flitted through my mind that said why not do twenty minutes or so now .. and I did.

Thursday, January 07, 2010


Did go out today .. thought the snow, in general, was crisp enough to walk on. Still had to be careful though. People were walking in the road here and the pavements did appear to be worse than the others I walked along in places.

There seemed to be a cold wind blowing up that I was told wasn't there earlier on and more snow is forecast overnight. See what that brings.


Went over to Grooveshark this morning .. thought I'd have a look as it's promoted as another site where people can plug their music .. wasn't sure what I'd find and when I got there just decided to play their featured playlist all the way through. Not been listening to the radio so only knew one song on it .. Lady Gaga's latest single which I liked the beat of ... reminded me of some of DJ Tiesto's music someone played me years ago .. but couldn't get into the surface feel I'm in a bad romance ... tra la la la .. wow .. gimme more lyrics. .

Wonder what will happen to trance if it's become really mainstream. Can't help noticing there's a bit of ambient space music and folk around and wonder if ....... well, I can hope ... lol!!! There still appears to be quite a lot of the indie type bands that have quite a soft monotone approach to singing around but really that's quite mainstream too, isn't it.. Wonder if the alternative scene has already moved on. I've no idea .. don't talk about music much these days .. well, except about sorting out some meditation music .. and don't listen to any radio shows.

Apart from the last couple of days haven't really listened to any new commercial music for a long, long time. Well, except by mistake!!!

How did I Google that? lol!!!
How did I Google this?

Anyway, just felt a bit disappointed over at Grooveshark

Wednesday, January 06, 2010


It's been snowing on and off throughout the day and there's a layer of snow covering the ground. I'm told it's very wintery out there. The cold weather's predicted to last another couple of weeks. Hasn't been like this for a long time.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010


It's nice to be back where I used to be as well. Don't really understand why people have missed me so much but there you go. I didn't really join in with things all that much. Might have a bit of a look round too now.

Haven't been doing much really.

Read a few blogs today .. well, not all the way through .. just bits here and there. Which reminds me ... I've got one saved .. or, at least I hope I've saved it .. might not have done .. that I'd like to go back to read.

Nice woman.


Yeah .. will arrange to go in for the biopsy now. Found Dr W's phone number. To be honest I'm really not too sure what's going on. Not talking about the recent fever muzziness .. that seems to have cleared up to quite an extent now that I'm being treated. but the treatment as a whole. But, I think the biopsy and a talk with the doc will be a good idea as soon as possible. I'll write a letter for the consultant I saw last time I was there too as he's in overall charge of my treatment at the hospital.

Needs to be done.

Um ... meditation

I just meditate to clear my mind. I suppose meditation could declutter the wood of trees so to speak as far as sorting out problems go. Sometimes people say they wake up after a good night;s sleep having slept on a problem they find it easier to sort out. Maybe the same's true with meditation.

It's said to have good results in quite a few ways


Anyway, for now ... off to do dinner ... soya sausage, beans, carrots, tomatoes and wholewheat spaghetti ... and spinach!!!!



Really just concentrating on eating properly and making sure that I do at least 15 minutes of meditation a day now. It's so easy to keep on saying .. later .. later .. later as far as meditating goes each day and ending up not having done any, And the more I leave it the more chance there is that I'll stop all together.

It's certainly worth 15 minutes of my time a day.

I find it a bit easier to concentrate if I have apiece of ambient type music I can connect to playing in the background at the moment but I didn't used to have music playing .. just used the word meditation as a mantra. Had read about it in a book and it seemed a good idea .. the word has a good rhythm to it .. med .. i .. tate and it's just there to concentrate on rather than give any special meaning to the meditation which, as I want to relax my mind is probably a good idea. Though, ofcourse, that depends on what kind of meditation you want to do.

I just decided to add relaxing music cause .. um, it's relaxing and, also, because it's something else that's there to almost unconsciously remind me that I'm meditating. My thoughts are still wandering but then as I've only just started doing it everyday again I'd expect that.

Did about ten minutes this morning to a piece of music that I didn't really get into ... no .. not anything off Heinrichreich's album so might do a little more this evening.

Found this for this evening if I do

Think it might be a good one .. I gave a nice kind of relaxed sigh just looking at the picture. Well, I like it anyway.

Monday, January 04, 2010


A shorter meditation this evening.


Doctor and Tesco this afternoon. Was a bit nippy out but not as bad as I thought it was going to be. Otherwise have stayed in and rested for most of the day. Haven't done my meditation yet but I will.

Am off to do dinner. Much the same as usual .. going to add some spinach this evening .. let it cook with the whole wheat spaghetti and then add the rest when they're cooked. Just check how long it takes to cook the spinach. Know it's not long so it'll work out!!!!!

Sunday, January 03, 2010


Played some of this to meditate to today ... had tried something a bit more bouncy earlier on and while there was a beat that helped track the word med .. i .. tate .. med .. i .. tate through my mind I preferred something a bit slower though, with this, I slowed the word much more than I had before and just meditated for about ten minutes this time which made a total of about twenty minutes using both types of music.


Well, I just don't know. I went and listened to some of the record again. It's got a Celtic back ground but the singing does take it over rather a lot!!!!! Would I always have thought that. I just don't know. Maybe. Maybe not.


After a conversation last night I've been wondering how much the music I like now will have changed from what I used to like.

Listened to some tracks from this earlier on

And, while the heavier ones are a bit too heavy for me now I could understand why people could really enjoy it if they're into this kind of music. I've been trying to work out if the currently produced music I like now would be the same if I was young. I guess I don't listen much to some I would if I was young now cause I can't dance so I relate to it in a slightly different way,

Guess I still hear things the same cause I still like most of what I used to .. or, if I don't it doesn't make any difference.

Who are they?

Was a bit confused after trying to find out more about a band who've put a few songs up on Jamendo ... was interested because they're quite a mixture of styles.

Thought I might've found a review but then saw that this was about a band from Texas while the band I was listening to comes from France!!!! Thought I'd go to their website anyway but that has gone. Wasn't quite sure how the reviewer rated the band he was reviewing as he said the band seemed to've found a formula for success, telling someone to eat their heart out and then rated the album 3.5 out of 5.0.

So ... back to find another trail I guess.


Haven't got round to sorting out the binaural beats maker yet. Got as far as starting off the installation wizard and found it needed the run time download too. Sorted that out .. but then left it.

Haven't made the music albums I was going to either. But .... will do.

Seems like a long time

Just drunk my protein mix!!! Not feeling quite so tired as I did yesterday. Had a bit of a surprise yesterday. Logged into an account I hadn't used for a while apart from very quickly a week or so back.Had seen that there was mail to read but I expected it to be just the kind sent round to everyone. After all it'd just been Christmas. I'd seen a couple entitled "miss you" but had just though they'd been sent round to everyone who hadn't been active for a while so hadn't read them.

It'd also been my birthday.

So .. I'll go back and thank them all.

Saturday, January 02, 2010

Rose and .......................

Listened to some nice music today apart from Rose

This one's a slow ambient piece of music

More gentle music

Pop music

Piano music

Binaural beat maker

The guy who put those few binaural beats I mentioned has got a blog somewhere where he said which binaural beat maker he recommended. Don't think it was this one .. but this one seems like one that's well researched.

You need to download this too


I went over to another site after listening to a couple of tracks on Jamendo last night.

Found there were quite a few things to listen to here. It's quite an interesting site I guess as the people put up their own individual music and some of them've got together to work on music together. Everyone has their own pages on the site ... overview .. images .. music etc.
Anyway .. decided to go and see what Rose's music was like

Saw that Sara (Rose) had put all the music up a few years ago and that she hadn't been back for a few months so did a Google search to see if she was on another site but all I could find was that she'd joined a Christian music site years ago, from a bit of a Google results blurb, though couldn't find anything about her on the site.


Woke up this morning feeling very cold. Was it much colder than usual. No-one seemed to know when I asked so I guess it wasn't that much if it was at all. Was told that I didn't seem at all well though so I decided to stay in and rest as I'm feeling rather tired.

The day's gone really quickly. I mean how can it be getting on for five now. Day's flown past. Have slept a bit and don't feel any worse.

Friday, January 01, 2010

Pop ... pop musik

Lots of people love this album and it's nice to listen to.

Did hear another pop album I liked .. another album with a language barrier that didn't seem to matter. Have forgotten what it's called but'll see if I can find it

30 mins

Settled down with a piece of music and found myself meditating for around 30 minutes instead of the 10 or so I'd planned, I used the word meditation as a mantra to concentrate on with the music playing softly in the background

I feel quite sleepy now though .. but that's probably because I am

Meditation etc

Anyway, that was yesterday. Didn't sleep much during the day or night but'll probably drift off during the day today. I've had a few health problems that have made me very feverish and out of it over the past few months though, hopefully, that'll be sorted out soon. It's being done in a sort of temporary way at the moment but. hopefully, will be better soon.

Reminds me .. must go for my protein drink. If I leave it to the evening I don't always drink it. Down the hatch. Drunk it. I moan about it .. but it's a couple of gulps really!!! lol!!! It's not as if I have beakers of the stuff to drink.

I'll rest today cause I don't have to do anything.

Will do my meditation too .. just find a gentle piece of music and clear my mind listening to that for a little while. Will build up the time. Sometimes when you've not been meditating for a while or are just starting you can be a bit twitchy as the mind and body learn to shut out stray thoughts and relax.

You know ... meditate .. meditate .. meditate .. do I need any more pot noodles.

Will just find a short piece of music .. ten minutes or so to start off with.

Difficult one

Yeah .. It's about countries fighting each other cause the powers that be decide they want the other's territory basically for their own like the fascists in WW2 and the people who've been forced to fight.

I don't know what usually happens on Youtube. And now I'm in two minds whether the conversation should be removed cause a .. it shows just where the guy's coming from and exposes him for what he is .. but, then .. who wants to read what he has to say.

Difficult one.

I've decided to go for the second option here still but it's quite a difficult choice .. think I've made the right one though.

Goodbye 2009 ... 2

The song is about the pointlessness of invasive warfare and one country attacking another and in sorrow for all those who have been and could be forced to be part of it.

It was just one of those days yesterday from the moment they arrived back on the other site, through to friend telling me what had happened and then finding more kind of Fascist type rubbish.

The person gave away where he was really coming from in his last remark.