I read about 30
mins of things to do with life after death studies a day .. well, read is probably the wrong word as it's read and think. I read the skeptics viewpoints as well as those of people who aren't.
I bought two videos yesterday from a charity shop which are about animal senses .. the videos were called the paranormal senses of animals or something like that and I read bits here and there about physics and just put it all together and think it over. I don't think about my own experiences that much to be honest .. though I'm getting that sorted out to send to places to add to the ever growing pile of things to investigate.
The least they do is point out that it looks as if there's something going on that is different to what is
normally apparent. To me it means that we have a soul .. though other people might disagree .. and probably will. But that's the way it looks to me. There is probably more on the button evidence out there .. but I've
interpreted it to mean that. I have proof for myself .. but not for anyone else .. which is why I want the lie detector test. It's strange though .. even with that I still get so much comfort out of Emma's book.
Already I can see who's going to benefit from it and that's the people who've understood that just shoving more info out there isn't going to do a whole lot .. they'll just try and find more ways to moan and complain. That's one thing that I have had proved over the years.
Get this .. there's mounds of info out there .. only your little bit will do .. moan groan .. moan .. moan .. moan..
So nothing anyone else says means anything ..
lol!!! How strange calling everyone else liars .. they're obviously wanting to add anyone to the list to make it 100% in their minds. You meet them .. not many .. but they have agendas that don't have anything to do with believing there's life after death, or, as someone else said today, they believe that they have
more power than spirit. Wouldn't think they do for a minute .. think it's a totally different concept where love wins out.
My friends are sorting my experiences out .. I'm happy to have a lie detector test around what I say.
Was talking to someone today who'd had a
NDE and a few linked in experiences and he said you always meet a few people who have no concept of a soul or they think spirit is weaker than them and they always play games. Lots of people might not believe but they still have an open mind. I think the only reason they don't believe is because it's not been studied seriously really .. too much attention revolves around the
stagey side of it .. there should be more what ifs and maybes because the truth is that we really have no idea at all about the reality of how all this could be here .. just a bit about the universe. He also told me that lots of people
don't want to talk about their experiences outside of their own families .. often not even to friends .. they are part of their inner private lives. Another reason is that they're too special and valuable to have rubbished by people when they concern people they love a lot who've passed over. I've no argument with that .. hopefully things will change though.
I, like lots of people who've had a
NDE, think there's life after death and we do have a spirit .. a soul.
I still haven't had an
OBE .. but haven't tried. I've a couple of
binaural beats compositions that are meant to help .. don't know if it will for me though. I think I might subconsciously not be too keen to let go. But I might give it a go. My friend is happy with her experiences.
My belief is that people just view things through their own beliefs. Just like some people have been found to be lying on one side of these beliefs as I've pointed out .. the same has apparently been found on the skeptics side too leading to the close of one organization founded with the sole intent to
disprove anything along the lines of the "paranormal"
It does make it difficult and I do agree that it's hardly worth bothering to tell anyone about them in the midst of all this.
I think a sane way into the subject is through Emma's book and
Pim's research. OK .. it's subjective .. you have to form your own opinions because obviously it is a matter of opinion because there's nothing that can say for sure one way or another .. but after burrowing I would be very
surprised if I found out there wasn't.
You just have to read the info .. well, as much of it as you can get through in the time you can spare and decide on the basis of what you have read and what you and your friends/family etc know.
If you have a closed mind .. don't see how you can unless you know something about the universe etc that I don't .. by logic it has to stay open. Richard Dawkins who is a skeptic .. if you didn't know that ... lol!! says something along those lines. I av read some of 'is books!!! .. then you have a closed mind. Don't think most people do though.